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About Me

Ever since I was a little girl i knew I was different.  I've always had a healing nature, so to speak and always been intrigued by the universe and how it works.  I was always very intuitive and always went with my gut.  Tarot and Oracle cards have always been part of my life along with connecting with spirit.

I lost track of myself in my early twenties where I was all party, party, party.  I had disconnected from myself and the people that i hold close to my heart.

I married, had two beautiful girls and was connecting with life again.  In March 2015, my world took a plummet... That's where I'd lost my mum.  Around six months later, anxiety set in and set in hard.  I didnt know what was happening or how to deal with it.  Medication from the doctor wasnt working so i learned meditation and took a liking to that.  It helped me a lot.

I was still unhappy with myself, felt I had no purpose and wanted to do more with my life but I couldnt quite grasp what that was.  So a few years passed and things became so much worse.  My whole world came crashing down around me.  I lost my dad in May 2018 and my marriage ended.  I was lost, a shadow of my former self.  I didnt know who I was, what i was or what my purpose was...
I had no clue what my life had come to.

I entered into a relationship that stripped me down to nothing, I was worthless, lost friends and family.
Who was i?

I was after 18 months of torturing myself that I had found my worth, found courage and ended everything in my life that tore me down and didnt serve me.  I was always thankful to have my two beautiful girls who kept me going all that time.  I will be forever grateful for my children, the love I hold for them is like no other.

Where my life started changing.....
With lots of self help, meditation, learning to live with GRATITUDE, making new like minded friends, regaining family relationships again and living alone just me and my children... I finally started to see how my life was suppsed to be.  That whole year to myself healed me.  I finally knew who I was again.

Intuition was precise again, i knew the path i was on was the right path for me but most importantly, SELF LOVE.
My now partner walked into my life totally unexpected and he has grown with me, seen me through good days and bad days and pushed me where i need to be... HERE
I will always be forever grateful that that the universe sent him to me and all that i have in my life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.
Love & Healing Light

About Me: Welcome
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